Official visit to the State Audit Office of Chile
Objavljeno 17. 11. 2017.
At the invitation of Mr. Jorge Bermudez, Auditor General of Chile, Mr. Ivan Klešić, Auditor General of Croatia, accompanied by his associates, officially visited Chile, where he participated in the following events:
- at the International Conference "SDGs , oversight and strong institutions" organized by the Chilean State Audit Office in co-operation with the World Bank and OLACEFS, with the purpose to consider the Chilean model, and through presentations and panel discussions with leaders and representatives of key state bodies and institutions in Chile, representatives of non-governmental sector, the World Bank, the SAIs of other countries and other key stakeholders, exchange experiences and approaches to the ways and models of inclusion of the supreme audit institutions in this common professional challenge.
- the bilateral visit was realized as a continuation of a professional dialogue between the State Audit Office of the Republic of Croatia and the State Audit Office of the Republic of Chile initiated during 2016 and continued with the bilateral meeting in Zagreb in May 2017. The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the work of the Chilean SAI, its organizational set-up and areas of work, exchange of experiences and ideas related to the implementation of the mandate of the institutions, strengthening external audit contributions to better managing public funds and identifying good practice on both sides. The meetings also discussed the modalities of extending professional cooperation in the future, both within the framework of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) as well as on a bilateral institutional and academic level.
- at the ceremony of the joint inter-institutional project started at the end of 2016, and resulted in the publication of the book "Administrative Oversight of Public Procurement - Chilean and Croatian Experience" in Croatian, Spanish and English, which was firstly presented in May 2017 in Croatia.